Waiting for stuff is hard, isn’t it?
It’s even harder when you’re having to rely on others to make something a reality.
This is particularly the case when you’re waiting on a design for your business. Whether it’s a logo, website, or rebrand, the wait time can feel like forever.
However, just like everything that’s good in life, the wait is always worth it.
There are five stages every design needs to pass through if it’s to be as good as it should be.
Stage 1: Research
What’s the reason behind the design? More importantly, who are you attempting to put it in front of?
Without research, a design is just a drawing with no purpose, strategy, or value. That’s why this is arguably the most important stage of the process. It’s the opportunity to define a goal for the design and dig into the audience.
What are they likely to be attracted to? What will make them act? What are they used to seeing in your niche? What other designs are out there already that work (or don’t work)?
Research is vital in design, and it might be the longest, hardest stage of the process.
Stage 2: The brief
This is where so many design projects fall down. Rather than researching first (or at all), people will often jump straight into the brief.
Let’s sit down. Have a coffee. Chat it through.
But what if you don’t know what you need or why you need it?
Return to Stage 1, if that’s the case.
Assuming you’ve followed our advice thus far, you’ll have that research in hand. And that means you can begin briefing the design studio.
They should guide you through this stage and if they’re anything like us we’ll sweetly challenge you on it. Expect many, many questions. Again, this part of the process takes time. (Conversely, if you get this right, it might even make the design process shorter).
Stage 3: Design Concepts
This is where things start to get exciting, because it’ll provide a first glimpse of the design.
Concepts aren’t as rough as you might think, either. In fact, this is one of the most exciting parts of the process, because if you work with the right branding team, you’ll receive designs you might expect along with some far braver, off-the-wall options, too!
At this stage, it’s tempting to pick your favourite and ask the team to crack on.
Don’t. Hold your horses.
Sleep on it and run those designs past other stakeholders within the business. If you can, pitch them to clients, too. Ask people you think might be your target audience. Your neighbour doesn’t have to like it if they’re not who you’re selling to! Gather as much feedback as you can.
Beautiful concept designs are a double-edged sword. They can force you into thinking that you’re looking at a finished design when, in fact, you’re simply being wowed by a pretty new thing.
The trick here is to go back to your original research and brief. Which of the designs most closely matches the goal and essence of what you’re try to achieve?
Trust us – these concepts will need tweaking and the design agency will fully expect you to return with questions and suggested improvements. They’re not finished by a long shot.
Leave no stone unturned. Again, this takes time.
Stage 4: Development
This is it; time to refine, polish, and aim for perfection.
It’s also the time when things go a bit quiet. Too quiet, you might think.
You’ll worry that the design agency has had its head turned by another, more exciting project. You’ll feel compelled to chase them every day.
Despite the seeming completeness of those concepts, the team will still have lots of work to do, following your feedback.
Trust the process. Leave them to it. They’ll contact you when the finished designs are ready.
But, hold your horses – we’re not quite finished.
The development stage is when those final polishes are undertaken. It’s why you’ll need to closely study the final designs that have been sent over and reveal where they’re not quite final enough for you.
Don’t hold back. If you’re still not completely happy, now’s the time to reveal why, because once the design is committed to its various formats and destinations, there’s no turning back.
Time spent on this time now will save a huge amount of heartache and remorse further down the line.
Stage 5: Sign-off
Yay – the hard work is done!
But this doesn’t mean you simply wait for the artwork files to arrive and dance into the sunset. There’s still lots to do.
Firstly, those image formats will need creating, sharing, and ensuring you’re familiar with how to use them. This takes time.
The designs will also need implementing. This takes a lot of time.
For instance, if the new design is a logo, just think about how many places in which it’ll need to appear. Whether they’re physical, digital, or both, this is arguably one of the longest processes you’ll need to go through. We can help with this if you need it.
So, you’re not quite there yet. But the finish line is in sight.
Great design takes time, but it is always worth the wait. To find out more or to discuss your branding requirements, just get in touch with the Be Smart team, today.